Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Workshop For PEF(M)B

May 7, 2021 Kolapo Eniolorunda

Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Workshop For PEF(M)B

The business world runs on data. Information is plentiful, and making the best use of the data companies collect will usually lead to sustained success. When talking about data in today’s business world, several terms will typically pop up. Among the most common data science terms, you’ll find data analytics and business intelligence.

Data analytics engages in data mining, essentially analyzing a set of information to pick out patterns and predict future trends that can inform organizations as to what they should do. This is most commonly referred to as predictive analytics wherein predictions are made purely based on data.

Business intelligence focuses on taking data and using it for better decision-making through aggregation, visualization, and careful analysis.

The Petroleum Equalization Fund Management Board partnered with Ferab Hilltop Nigeria Limited to deliver a world-class 4-day seminar/workshop for its staff.


The workshop started with discussions on tools or products that can be leveraged to prevent the pain caused by the lack of mature data integration. To be able to leverage data, it must be efficiently accessed, combined, governed, and managed.


Furthermore, a Ferab consultant, Mr. Solomon lectured the participants on how to properly leverage several tools for data integration. Amongst the tools discussed are Microsoft Excel, PowerBI, and Tableau.



The workshop was accompanied each day with group discussions to further integrate the participants with knowledge of the subject matter.


The workshop “Data analytics & Business intelligence” was organized in 2 batches, both took place in February 2021 and were both conducted at NAF Conference Center, Abuja.

Finally, participants left with the knowledge that data analytics and business intelligence help to improve any organization as their data is being properly managed, which further helps their decision making and as a result provides them sustained success.


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