“Striding Through COVID-19 Challenges: Our Online And Onsite Learning Is Progressing”

December 8, 2020

“Striding Through COVID-19 Challenges: Our Online And Onsite Learning Is Progressing”

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and markets over the globe have faced an unplanned halt, causing a downside trade and service delivery. Despite all these, Hilltop Learning continues to stride, creating a pitch to deliver quality training to our esteemed customers.


Ferab Hilltop carried out a series of training online on our LMS “www.hilltoplearning.org” and onsite in Lagos, Abuja, and Keffi. In attendance were the staff of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and FCT Fire Service amongst others.

Courses like “Mobile Money for Financial Inclusion”, “5G Overview and Industry”, “5G, IoT and Small Cell Designs” and “Employee Relations” were delivered following COVID-19 guidelines.

The training was highly beneficial and insightful as the participants gave several positive remarks at the end of the training sessions.


I got to know a lot in the training attended. Commissions should make it mandatory for all their staff to attend this type of training_Alkali Z.

I am satisfied with the quality of training received and the depth of knowledge exhibited and displayed by the trainer_Victor A.


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